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Between 2013 and 2015, Juliana devoted herself to performing full-time at the legendary Teatro Oficina, in São Paulo, as a musician and actress. In those three years of intense work she participated in six productions: "Cacilda!!! - Glória no TBC", "Cacilda 68", "Cacilda 64 - o Robogolpe", "Acordes", "O Banquete", and "A bus called Achi-Lina Bardi" - urban acupuncture for the architect's centennial.


Cia. Livre

March 31, 2014 marked the 50th anniversary of the civil-military coup in Brazil, a date not to be commemorated, but remembered by the youth of fifty years ago and, above all, told and retold to the youth of the 21st century, the first generation born and raised under the democratic regime in the entire history of the Brazilian Republic. To mark this date, readings of the plays Patética and Ponto de Partida, directed by Cibele Forjaz, were staged at the TucArena theater. With performances by Denise Fraga, Miriam Mehler, and Renato Borghi, the plays represent milestones of resistance theater.


Trupe Coragem

Live soundtrack for Bertold Brecht's classic "Mother Courage and Her Children" under the direction of Daniela Thomas.
At Sesc Pompéia, June and July 2019, São Paulo.

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